Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dance As A Form Of Exercise

"Dancing away obesity" or what others may call "Video Game Diet" has been a new and fun way to exercise by a game entitled "Dance Dance Revolution". First introduced in Japan, Dance Revolution has been what young people call the "it" game to play that features many genres to dance to. Players are judged according to the timing of their moves that match the patterns presented. From its originality to its artistic attention from the game market, Dance Dance Revolution has encouraged many people to express their best moves and still have a good time!

Now the word obesity or diet can be a touchy subject to a lot of indiviuals. Going to the gym or even doing some simple exercises at home does not have to be a pain or a scary feeling. With the Dance Dance Revolution, you can lose weight and still hit those dance moves that you love. The best part about it, you can enjoy it with friends, family, and those who support you the most. For more information about Obesity or the game Dance Dance Revolution, log onto and